selected poetry online;

at Eilean Donan Castle, Scotland 2018

Given I tend to construct poetry manuscripts and excerpt/select for the sake of journal publication, it seemed best to organize these by project:

from edgeless : letters, :
: Train: a poetry journal :

from Autobiography :
: Carousel magazine : horseshoe literary journal : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : Chaudiere Books blog : rob's clever blog :

from the book of sentences : Moist Poetry Journal : Pinhole Poetry : Olney magazine : rob's clever blog : Hamilton Arts & Letters : Court Green : talking about strawberries all of the time : Columba Poetry : rob's clever blog : buffalopluseight : Etcetera : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : The Babel Tower Notice Board : Train : a poetry journal : Watch Your Head : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : Miramichi Reader : mouse eggs, two dozen : rob's clever blog :

from book of magazine verse : rob's clever blog : The Pi Review : rob's clever blog : pioneertown. : rob's clever blog : Train : a poetry journal : concrete & river : rob's clever blog : Stride magazine : Stride magazine : The League of Canadian Poets : rob's clever blog : talking about strawberries all of the time : rob's clever blog : above/ground press "poem" broadside : rob's clever blog : Train : a poetry journal : Empty Mirror : rob's clever blog : Selcouth Station : Train : a poetry journal : Chaudiere Books blog / National Poetry Month : above/ground press "poem" broadside : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog :

from snow day : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog : rob's clever blog :

from the book of smaller : The Milk House : where is the river : Tofino poet laureate's National Poetry Month, April 2020 : where is the river : Poetry Pause (The League of Canadian Poets) : 8 Poems : Theta Wave : 8 Poems : Adjacent Pineapple : Dream Pop : Selcouth Station : rob's clever blog : Chaudiere Books blog : Creative Writing at Leicester blog : QWERTY magazine : above/ground press "poem" broadside : where is the river : Vending Machine Press : Chaudiere Books blog : BRAVE NEW WORD : bottlecap press : Tupelo Quarterly : rob's clever blog :

from World's End : TRUCK : OmniVerse : Sunrise with Sea Monsters : OUR TEETH : e.ratio : Konundrum Engine Literary Review : Moss Trill :

from A perimeter : Queen Mob's Teahouse : Atticus Review :

from Signature Form : NOO Journal : Empty Mirror : Literary Review of Canada : Chaudiere Books : Fruita Pulp : On Barcelona : Dr. Hurley's Snake-Oil Cure : talking writingex-ex-lit : The Maynard :

on bpNichol Lane, Toronto 2011

from Life Sentence : OTOLITHS :

from Household items : Tarpaulin Sky : On Barcelona : VERSE : Fact-Simile : 

from A halt, which is empty : Mad Crab : Connotation Press : n/a : Cordite Poetry Review : ex-ex-lit :

from the underside of the line : The Typescript : turntable and blue light :

from the untitled collaboration with Christine McNair : berfrois :


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